There are many factors to consider when it comes to keeping a car in proper working order and roadworthy for as long as possible. One of the most important ways to maintain a smooth ride and safe conditions for all occupants involves securing the proper wheel...
Auto Repair
Need New Tires Or Car Maintenance In Jacksonville, FL? Call The Big Chief Tire!
Your tires are one of the most important safety components on your vehicle. They can make the difference between having an accident and avoiding one, so if your vehicle needs tires or car maintenance in Jacksonville, FL, then the Big Chief Tire can help! What Services...
Auto Repair and Maintenance in New Haven to Keep You on the Road
No matter what type of car you buy, it needs proper care to stay out on the road where it belongs. If you are lucky, all that means is general preventative maintenance. But, we aren’t all that lucky and may need repair services at times. When it comes to auto repair...
Why it May Be Time for New Auto Suspension
Nothing is more enjoyable than a smooth ride. If you love your car, you probably love how it feels to drive it. Unfortunately, this feeling is fleeting. As cars get older, they get more worn out and begin to require new repairs. You might not realize this, but there’s...
Programming New Transponder Keys for Multiple Brands in the USA
In the latter 90s, vehicles began using keys with transponder chips in the plastic shank. When the key is nearby, the vehicle's ignition receives a transponder signal from the key and allows it to start the car. Without the transponder signal, the car will trigger the...